F1′s Bernie Ecclestone Backs Anti-Gay Stance In Russia

(GayWebSource.com - Gay News & Press Network) - Posted by Jake Simpson - TheGayUK.com

In an interview with CNN's Ben Wyatt F1 Boss Bernie Ecclestone revealed he agrees on President Putin's stance on homosexuality.

by Newsdesk | 20th Feb 2014

Ecclestone | Photo credit: Ryan Bayona (Via Wikipedia)

CNN are reporting that F1 Racing Boss Bernie Ecclestone, 83, 'completely agrees' with President Putin's anti-gay stance, stating that he even admires the President.

He said in the interview with Ben Wyatt:

'He [Putin] hasn't said he doesn't agree [with homosexuality] just that he doesn't want these things publicized to an audience under the age of 18. I completely agree with those sentiments and if you took a world census you'd find 90% of the world agree with it as well.'

The businessman who was born in Bungay is reported to be worth $3.8 BILLION. He is the President and CEO of Formula One Management and has been married 3 times.

He went on to say: "I've great admiration for him and his courage to say what he says…[It] may upset a few people but that's how the world is. It's how he sees [the world] and I think he's completely right."

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