INTERVIEW: Cody Simpson Talks Life On The Road And His Man Crush!

( - Gay News & Press Network) - Posted by Jake Simpson - We hang with the gorgeous Australian born 17-year-old Cody Simpson. We find out about his passion fruit fetish, his love of Elvis and his man-crush on Leonardo DiCaprio by Jake Hook | 27th June 2014 Cody Simpson Instagram You do so much travelling and are away from home a lot, how does that feel? I miss home a lot actually, I don’t get to go back to Australia all the time. I miss family and friends when I’m gone for sure. How is this tour different from your usual shows? It’s different. I’ve called it the Acoustic Tour. It’s much more intimate, smaller venues and more of an intimate experience with the fans. Something they haven’t seen from me really before. Very musical. Kinda transcending the stereotypes of what people in my genre usually do... Which are? You know... It’s all live. No tracks. No backing tracks, just me and two musicians up there. Me and my guitar. We have cello and we have bongos. It’s just a very live musical experience. I just kinda want to make it a little story telling session. Get really close to the fans and do something different. Is that safe? Honestly, what I’m doing on this tour is something I’ve been doing since I was six years old. Just with my guitar. I can do it either way - and I want to show people that I am able to do a show this way, which is not something that a lot of people can get up and do. I’m really looking forward to getting up there and chilling and helping my fans get to know me. Is this your first trip to the UK? I came last year around February and that was the very first time I came and did a couple of shows there. It was really nice, I enjoyed myself so much. It’s so cool. Cody Simpson What 3 things must you take on tour with you? Lots of guitars, lots of clothes and my iPhone. What’s the most outrageous thing you’ve done on tour? Oh man! I don’t know what’s appropriate to say in an interview. I have to filter through and see... So you’re well behaved? Not constantly... No! (laughs). We gay Brits love a bit of Aussie life... Kath and Kim, Matthew Mitcham, Kylie... Are you hoping to become the object of our desires? Yeah, I mean for sure! I love people from the UK in general. I definitely think that’s a goal of mine. Looking forward to coming out and doing the show... It’s gonna be cool. Duets with anyone dead or alive - who and what would you sing? I would love to sing Blue Suede Shoes with Elvis. If you were gonna take any male celebrity out on a date, who would it be and where would you go? Oh man (laughs). Who would you have a Bromance with? Probably Leonardo DiCaprio. I basically just have a crush on him anyway. He’s just the best. He’s the best actor. We’d probably go sing Karaoke. Read the full interview in the latest issue of TheGayUK - out now from all good digital Newsstands iTunes | Android Cody Simpson will be on tour in the UK in June/July Mon 30 June London, Indigo at The O2 Tue. 1 July Norwich,Waterfront Wed 2 July Edinburgh, Queen’s Hall Fri 4 July Dublin, Grand Canal Sat 5 July Manchester,Academy 2 Sun 6 July Birmingham, Institute Library Media Provided by the - Gay News & Press Network.
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