October 19, 2014 | to | October 25, 2014 |
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LGBTQ Economic Justice Week

Why is Economic Justice an LGBTQ Issue?
Join us on Oct. 21st for a Community Town Hall and Kickoff Reception at the Center. The community forum and social justice building event will address LGBTQ Economic Justice issues focusing on communities most impacted by economic disparities and the changing landscape of the Bay Area.
With your help we can develop solutions and steps that will address challenges impacting LGBTQ Low Income and Homeless Residents, Trans and Gender Non-Conforming People, Communities of Color, LGBTQ Immigrants, HIV Positive Residents, Elders, and Youth.
We invite you to join the action and get involved in the discussion! Community Partners, leaders, and volunteers interested in getting engaged can email us for more information on how to get involved!
Attendees can RSVP and visit all of the free events here.
Finally, please share and post why Economic Justice is an LGBTQ Issue @sflgbtcenter with #BeyondSurvivalSF & #LGBTEconomicJustice
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