June 21, 2014 |
Lisbon Gay Pride March 2014

Some reasons for a trans presence in MOL 2014
We require a comprehensive law despatologizante Gender Identity, which may be the same and / or similar to Argentina, as well as supervision of the reviews that trans people are forced to submit themselves so that they are not governed by the personal biases of the evaluators as happens in too many cases, but the latest science on these matters, while supplies forced the reviews.
We demand the end of the boycott by the most conservative to the law of change of name and sex, that in default of the spirit of the law only become necessary declaration to the effect after two reports of transsexuality “experts,” added the cases pure and that people simply do not have the money needed to make the relevant amendment, since o current government annulled the gratuitousness of the procedure. Needless to say, simply because the are, transgender people are the most etched by the scourge of unemployment along with the unemployed aged from forty.
We demand the immediate cessation of intolerable intrusion of the Medical Council in the process of transsexuality, with authorization for surgeries and medical end of disregard for their patients, as well demonstrated by psychologist Abel in You on TV last year, and numerous cases daily where trans people are invariably addressed by his name and gender of baptism with total disregard for their gender identity ..
While transsexuality is not despatologizada, demand the immediate cessation of a second valuation, as at present, and the immediate cessation of the need for authorization of the Medical Association for the surgeries, and the immediate elimination of mention in Chapter VIII, article 72 # 1: “surgery does not guarantee sexual satisfaction” depriving thereby the trans from enjoying a full and satisfying sex life going even in contradiction with the continuation of the same people when stipulates that surgery “mainly aims at contributing to the balance psychological “. As you know today there is no full psychological balance without a full and satisfying sex life.
We also require the decentralization of operations, presently concentrated in Coimbra, in order to allow trans people can have access to them, something that currently does not happen for obvious economic reasons, thus preventing your access and use of the standard techniques Surgical developed in Portugal, giving assurances of a full future life in all its ramifications, for the fulfillment of Article 31 of the Code of Ethics of the Medical Association which stipulates the medical obligation to provide the best care, which does not happen at present with the use of more archaic surgical techniques and less satisfactory results.
We also demand the immediate return of free requests for change of name and gender for trans people are not prevented from performing this change for economic reasons, which causes indisputable situations of discrimination and full guarantee strict compliance with paragraph 1 of article 1 of the Law 7/2011 ensures that the secret nature of this procedure very recently been violated by the newspaper Correio da Manha.
More reasons to do so would, but they’ve come and to illustrate the need for unity and transgender people to the call for participation in the Pride Parade in Lisbon 2014.
To fight for our rights.
Shemale Portugal Group
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