National LGBT Bar Association to Recognize Fabio Silva

( - Gay News & Press Network) - Posted by Michael Lamb - Echelon Magazine

fabio 12167 on Thursday, February 27 at a reception in New York. The LGBT Bar is proud to honor attorneys and corporations that advocate for LGBT equality within the legal sphere through the Out & Proud Corporate Counsel Awards program.
Mr. Silva has been active in promoting LGBT equality in the workplace at each step in his professional career. At, he has the ability to shape the company’s diversity policy from scratch. Drawing on his experiences at law firms and from working in-house, Mr. Silva has ensured that is an industry leader in inclusive employment practices.
Fabio’s work throughout his professional career sets the standard for diversity and inclusion practices,” said D’Arcy Kemnitz, executive director of the LGBT Bar. “His advocacy and support of the LGBT community have been integrated into the culture of each organization, making them truly encouraging examples for the rest of the legal profession.”
Mr. Silva began his career working at Crowell & Moring and Arnold & Porter in Washington, DC. There, he organized LGBT mentoring events and served on the firms’ diversity committees. When he moved in-house at Burberry, he worked closely with the organization’s Human Resources Department to develop and sustain diversity practices and equal treatment of LGBT candidates and employees.
The Out & Proud Corporate Counsel Award will be presented on Thursday, February 27, 2014, at a reception at the Eventi Hotel in New York. Please contact Kelly Simon at (202) 637-7661 or for additional information.

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