OPINION: Ice Bucket Challenge – Enough Is Enough

(GayWebSource.com - Gay News & Press Network) - Posted by Jake Simpson - TheGayUK.com At The Gay UK we are all for giving to charity as much as the next man, but now that every major (and too many minor) celebrities are jumping on this latest bandwagon, we think maybe enough is enough. by Roger Walker-Dack | 3rd September 2014 We hate to pour cold water on anybody’s good ideas, but think perhaps that the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has got a little out of control. We know we are not alone on this and were so happy to watch this Broadcast on the WIN TV Channel in Australia when reporter Lincoln Humphries articulated our feelings so perfectly. Handsome Lincoln explains in some detail about the many ways that we can all help people in need without using up water, which is still a precious commodity in many parts of the world. He lists many ways that we can all give effectively and quietly without all the glare of publicity. We would encourage you to watch his wee piece to the very end, as we completely endorse his ideas of what we all should really be using ice cubes for. But just before we say goodbye to this worthy charity jape that has got out of hand, we would like to share just one more participant’s very worthy effort. Steve Grand the rather sensational gay singing cowboy who’s You Tube All American Boy went viral last year has just done his Ice Bucket Challenge NAKED! I mean, it would be impolite not to support him after he bared his all just for us … ooops, we mean for Charity. Media Provided by the GayWebSource.com - Gay News & Press Network.
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