Pav, Ash and Steven Face Eviction This Friday

( - Gay News & Press Network) - Posted by Jake Simpson - Ashleigh, Mark and Chris were earlier called to the Diary Room. Whilst there, they were informed that three of their ex-Housemates were willing to offer up their advice on who else the Power trio should put up for eviction. by Newsdesk | 22nd July 2014 One at a time Biannca, Danielle and Matthew entered the Small Task Room. Each was wearing a hidden earpiece and was able to hear Ashleigh and her accomplices in the Diary Room. Ashleigh, Mark and Chris were be given one minute with each ex-Housemate. After the discussions with their ex-Housemates, Ashleigh, Mark and Chris chose PAV as the third Housemate to face the public vote this week. Big Brother continues tonight on Channel 5 at 10:00PM Media Provided by the - Gay News & Press Network.
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