June 17, 2015 | to | June 21, 2015 |
PORTLAND BLACK PRIDE – Portland Black Pride strives to showcase and celebrate the cultural and social contributions of Black/African American Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) people in Portland and across the country.
Portland Black Pride is part of a national movement and celebration that unites and celebrates culture, gender identity, and sexual orientation! Portland, OR.

The black LGBT pride movement began as a result of the gay black minority community in the United States feeling marginalized and less a part of the whole gay community in participation, organization and administration and the cultural differences that prevented the community to fully participate in the gay movement.
The Black Gay prides today as metamorphosed into a well established events that unite and bring together black lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people to celebrate both their African heritage and sexual orientation. Most major cities in the U.S. hosts an annual Black Gay pride event.
Portland Black Pride is a part of the national Black Pride movement which began as a result of the gay black minority community in the United States feeling marginalized and less a part of the whole gay community in participation, organization and administration and the cultural differences that prevented the community to fully participate in the gay movement.
The Black Prides today are well established events that unite and bring together black lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people to celebrate both their African heritage and sexual orientation. Most major cities in the U.S. hosts an annual Black Gay pride event.
PFLAG is people, LGBTQ and straight, parents, friends, and allies, working together to make a better future for LGBT youth and adults.
PFLAG is a national non-profit organization with over 200,000 members and supporters and nearly 400 volunteer-run chapters in the United States. PFLAG started out 30 years ago as a support organization for the families and friends of LGBTQ persons. Now we’re one of the largest grassroots LGBTQ-friendly organizations in the country, a safe welcoming space where LGBTQ and straight can come together to make a better world for everyone.
Our Vision
PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed inclusive of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
Our Mission
Through our core values of meeting people where they are and collaborating with others, PFLAG seeks to realize our vision through:
- Support for families, allies and people who are LGBTQ.
- Education for ourselves and others about the unique issues and challenges that people who are LGBTQ face.
- Advocacy in our communities to change attitudes and create policies and laws that achieve full equality for people who are LGBTQ.
PFLAG provides opportunity for dialogue about sexual orientation and gender identity, and acts to create a society that is healthy and respectful of human diversity.
PFLAG Portland
PFLAG Portland is one of the founding chapters of PFLAG, with a 30 year history of support to the LGBT community. We are very active in educational outreach and advocacy efforts throughout the Portland Metro Region with a special focus on:
- LGBTQ youth, through our GSA Mini-Grant Program in partnership with Oregon Safe Schools and Communities Coalition, Glsen, and the Portland Public Schools;
- Transgender persons. PFLAG Portland has emphasized support of transgender persons and the families of transgender children for many years.
- Communities of Color. In partnership with the PFLAG Oregon State Council and Basic Rights Oregon, PFLAG Portland launched a new effort to reach families of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons in the African American community in Portland. The result of this in 2009 was the PFLAG Portland Black Chapter, a stand alone PFLAG chapter created by and for the African American community, the first such chapter in the nation. PFLAG Portland is expanding its support to the Latino, Asian/Pacific Islander, and other communities through this cooperative model.
PFLAG Portland’s unusual multi-chapter structure reflects the diversity of the Portland Metro Region.
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