REVIEW: Boys On Film 12: Confessions: Applauded For Their High Production Values

( - Gay News & Press Network) - Posted by Jake Simpson - UK film distributor Peccadillo Pictures much acclaimed series of gay short films BOYS ON FILM has a new 12th Edition called CONFESSIONS. ★★★★★ Like all the previous collections this shockingly-good compilation of movies from mainly first-time filmmakers around the world features different stories about the lives of young gay men. As the title indicates the theme of this latest collection is about exposing private lives and uncovering secrets and presenting a choice or whether to keep hiding or to confess? Showboy Of the nine powerful tales, there are three standouts that make this anthology one of the best to date. From Australia, SHOWBOY written and directed by Samuel Leighton-Dore is the moving story of Julian a young football player. After the unexpected death of his mother, he finds himself struggling to support his depressed, unemployed father while fighting to keep safe the secret he once shared with his mother. He's not only gay, but performs drag shows too. Related Stories: Seven Reasons To Be Proud Of Pride (The Film) Gay Films On Netflix 2014 Will 2015 Be The Year Best Picture Oscar Is Won By A Gay Film? From the Netherlands, CRUISE PATROL written and directed by Bobby de Groot & Arjan van Meerten is a gloriously highly stylised animated movie about what happens on a long and dusty road where a routine cruise patrol takes a strange turn and spirals totally out of control. Human Warmth Finally from Belgium, HUMAN WARMTH directed by Christophe Predari, is the tale of Antoine's desire. His passion and his love is so overwhelming that he has to stay close to Bruno. He loves his warmth and he needs it. But as with any relationship, soon comes the time of detachment and what will happen if Antoine's body stops responding? It is by far the most erotic and sensuous piece of the collection. Short films offer a wealth of different experiences and these ones in particular are wonderfully thought provoking too. They should be applauded also for their high production values despite the micro budgets they were made off, and for the fact that give gay audiences an opportunity to experience new talent behind and in front of the camera. by ROGER WALKER-DACK on DVD/VOD November 24th 2014 Media Provided by the - Gay News & Press Network.
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