25 years after Section 28, Stonewall launches ground-breaking film for primary schools

(GayWebSource.com – Gay News & Press Network) – Posted by mysocalledgaylife.com

25 years after the introduction of Section 28, a piece of legislation that banned resources like FREE, the film follows the stories of four children exploring family, friendship and what it means to be yourself.
FREE is launched tonight (5 March) at a première, kindly supported by BNP Paribas, at the Curzon cinema in London’s West End. The film is the culmination of four years’… Read the rest

Media Provided by the GayWebSource.com – Gay News & Press Network.
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Ben Summerskill to step down as Chief Executive

(Gay Media and Press Network) – Posted by mysocalledgaylife.com

His time as Chief Executive saw a dramatic change in the legal landscape for lesbian, gay and bisexual people in Britain. During his tenure he led successful campaigns to secure legal equality for gay people in Britain, including the repeal of Section 28, goods and services protections, civil partnerships and marriage equality.
Ben’s tenure also saw a transformation of the charity itself, taking it from… Read the rest

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