Therapists On Skype To Meet The Challenges Of Mental Health Issues At Work

( - Gay News & Press Network) - Posted by Jake Simpson - With mental health issues now affecting one in four adults, and 60-70% of these people being in work, getting a decent strategy in place for helping people overcome problems is critical for any business manager. Stress can lead to a drop in productivity, motivation and lengthy time periods of reduced staff. by Newsdesk | 22nd September 2014 A reported 45% of people recover from mental illnesses by accessing therapy, and yet cuts are still being made. Renaissance Life Therapies, a professional, Harley Street based, clinic is now offering all of their services via Skype or telephone to clients anywhere in the world at dramatically slashed prices of just £60 for a single session and £110 for a double. Richard Smith from the practice said, 'this time of year gets busy for counsellors due to the summer drawing to a close. We are able to offer appointments, often with a short notice period, ensuring clients are empowered by moving forward early on.' People with busy schedules and stress or anxiety issues have multiple reasons for preferring this method to face-to-face counselling. Recognising this, and the need for convenience; introducing the Skype sessions allows Renaissance to bridge the gap between the need for resolution, understanding; even rebirth and the creation of time to manage it in. With three different counsellors covering therapies from CBT to ADHD management, anxiety issues, psychotherapy and even confidence training, the range of skills on offer have something to meet the NHS Parity of Esteem requirements. Richard Smith said, "Our Skype system is unique in that we offer increased availability and very competitive rates covering coaching and therapy." At Renaissance, opening hours begin at 7.00am and close is at 10.00pm GMT; offering availability outside regular practitioner's hours with Skype sessions bookable online. Coupled with the benefits of avoiding heavy traffic and fees travelling may incur; therapies over Skype save time and money. For many clients, tackling complex issues can seem overwhelming and bookings show that they take comfort in being able to do so from home or even a private office. If you need to someone to talk to or have issues you need to talk to someone about call the London Lesbian And Gay Switchboard on 0300 330 0630 or visit Top 5 Mainstream Films About Mental Health OPINION: Vice Of Reason? COLUMN: Sticks And Stones Media Provided by the - Gay News & Press Network.
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