Three Men Accused Of Being Gay Executed In Iraq By ISIS

( - Gay News & Press Network) - Posted by Jake Simpson - Hundreds of people gathered below a tall building in Iraq to watch ISIL fighters execute three men accused of being gay, shocking pictures reveal. WARNING REPORT CONTAINS GRAPHIC DISTURBING IMAGES Below the tall building, hundreds of people gather to watch as three men are thrown to their deaths after reportedly being accused of being gay. The pictures from Twitter user @Raqqa_Si, a campaign group against ISIS and the Assad regime in Raqqa, show the bloodied bodies of two men on the ground as a third is thrown to his death. The three men pictured, thought to be under the age of 40, were blindfolded then pushed from the top of the building by the extremist group, which controls part of Iraq and Syria. Execution by these means has become a common sight with at least one public execution of this type happening once a month. It is a particularly brutal means of killing, as victims don't always die on impact. According to the Raqqa_Si the crowd then stoned the men. This is just the latest in a series of executions of men, accused of being gay by ISIS fighters in Iraq. Homosexuality is illegal under Sharia Law. SHARIA WHAT DOES IT MEAN: Islam's legal system, derived from the Koran Informs every aspect of Muslims' lives Islamic jurists issue formal guidance through fatwas, or religious edicts Sharia law includes provisions for capital and corporal punishment but modern scholars say getting to that stage can be difficult Marriage is treated as a contract in Islam From The BBC In April ISIS fighters hugged their victims before stoning them to death. Homosexuality it would appear is not actually illegal in Iraq, however many LGBT suffer from discrimination,abuse and honour killings. Media Provided by the - Gay News & Press Network.
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