THEATRE REVIEW: WTF! With Helen Lederer, St. James’s Theatre, London

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We must point out that Helen Lederer is amazing. There you go. End of review.

By Jake | 8th November 2013


Helen Lederer, Why The Fuss | Photo Matt Crockett

We’re sitting in the packed out studio theatre in Victoria, London, when the, zesty, energetic, self-effacing Lederer walks out to rapturous applause, looking amazing we must add.

Her new show WTF! is a hilarious – part stand-up part chat show, where she delves into the nooks and crannies of celebrity’s lives.

Sitting with Lederer this evening in the first half is the gorgeous Kimberley Walsh, 1/5 of the super girl group Girls Aloud, who is probed and prodded, by a genuinely interested Lederer, who has clearly done her research. Walsh quips, ‘Gosh you’ve really read the book, I’ve never had an interview this good…’

In the second half she is joined by columnist heavyweights Yasmin Alibhai Brown and Suzanne Moore. Who equally shine in their roles as interviewees, particularly Alibhai-Brown who throws herself into Lederer’s wonderful format.

If you’re looking for a Paxman or Frost type interrogation, you’re probably in the wrong theatre, but if you’re looking for a relaxed, irreverent, very Channel 4 and slightly odd cross examination and dissemination of a celeb then WTF! Is the show for you.

Helen Lederer returns to the studio theatre at St. James’s Theatre in Victoria on the 28th November.

Read our interview with Helen Lederer

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